Eyes are opening! Day 13

Tomorrow, the puppies are 2 weeks old!  A few of them are opening their eyes and are actually walking like little dogs:)

They are quite loud lately and have discovered how to chirp, growl and even bark!

7.5 month puppy reunion!

The “cereal litter” pups are about 7.5 months old and had a reunion in the dog park today!  (5/7 pups could make it, but we missed our two light yellow boys, Wheatie and Mingo/Kix) It was fun seeing how all the puppies that used to fit in the palm of a hand are now big playful teenagers!  Its so interesting how Copper (Cheerio), used to be the smallest pup, and is now definitely the biggest:)  Enjoy the pics!

If anyone would like a larger version of certain pictures, just let me know!

Day 25

Here are some pics and videos from the past few days!  Not too much has changed since the last post, mostly all the puppies are just getting faster!

I will try and update the individual pup pages periodically today and tomorrow as well!

Also, to all of the Lovealab readers, is there anything specific you want to see other than updates/pics/videos?  Thanks!